Central Chronic Medicines Dispensing and Distribution Pick-up-Point

Mosamaria registered with the National Department of Health as a Pick-up-Point for Chronic medication in 2020. Our service delivers chronic medication to the door of the client free of charge.

We started delivering parcels to clients registered at selected clinics in Bloemfontein in June 2020, and now have over 1,300 clients. Clients receive their medication every two months at their homes after receiving a phone call from us to make arrangements to meet them. Clients renew their prescriptions at the clinic where they are registered every six months or annually.

We have a registered nurse who renews the prescriptions at the clinics and arranges for the annual blood test to establish whether the HIV is suppressed or not. Any medical problems are referred by her to the referring clinic’s professional staff.

With this service we are able to give many of our former ART Adherence Club members who have registered with our PuP, the psycho-social support and encouragement that they need to adhere to their treatment for the rest of their lives. The community knows and trusts Mosamaria and looks forward to our visits.

This program is managed by Ntate Thapelo Mabule who is assisted by Mme Seipati Lekgetha, Ntate Itumeleng Mochoancheng, and Sister Winnie Selemela. We aim to have 2,00 registered clients by the end of 2021.


The CCMDD Pickup-point service had been delivering medication to over 2,000 clients since 2021. This meant more than 800 parcels were delivered a month.

The wear and tear on the Mosamaria vehicles and the exorbitant price of petrol, and the virtually non-existent roads, had forced Mosamaria to close the project at the end of April. The good rain really destroyed what bad roads there were, and the team often got stuck in the mud.

Anglo American Funds had paid for this service. The NDoH had only subsidised Mosamaria R 95,102.00 from the beginning for this service up to 30 April 2022.

Mosamaria had to take the painful decision to stop providing this service on 30 April 2022, because the cost was just too high. Sadly in the new National Plan, home deliveries are seen as a priority service to encourage ART adherence.