Chickens: We have 17 farmers who have bought layer chickens and they are happy with them. We have provided them with transport to buy the layer chickens from Thaba Nchu which is cheaper and closer. There has been great interest shown in joining the layer project and we are currently in the process of establishing new members.
OVC Groups: In May last year, our OVC groups were visited by a local group of Hindu Woman who kindly donated a sandwich, a piece of cake, fruit and Milo for our children to have a Saturday breakfast together. After which they played games with them and later gave them each a blanket. This was greatly appreciated. In June we attended camps with the Love Life Ground Breakers. The children learnt a number of new skill development games and great fun was had by all.
VSL Groups: Our groups did very well last year as they shared R868.944.00. The OVC VSL Group were very excited to have increased their share from R20.00 to R50.00. Their parents were also excited as the children managed to buy Christmas clothes with this money.